Are you goth?


Like the topic says, are you goth?

I don't openly express my inner goth. Back in high school, many of the goth kids that I hung out with said that I was very inwardly goth. This was also repeated to me a while back by an online friend. So no, I didn't dress in black or wear chains. My parents were extremely religious and that would have just opened a can of worms with them lol.

The Crow GIF
I am but I dont always dress goth style some days I go out in normal style clothes, I would say I got into It around 4 or 5 years ago :) I want to get more clothes and outfits when I have time XD
I am but I dont always dress goth style some days I go out in normal style clothes, I would say I got into It around 4 or 5 years ago :) I want to get more clothes and outfits when I have time XD
Yeah I’m the same. I have goth outfits but don’t always wear them and they are not overly out there. It’s more a fashion thing for me.
Definitely. The fashion/aesthetic is an important part of it, but in the end of the day, being goth is really more music-based than anything else.

But since most responses are about fashion specifically, I'll add my two cents to that.
I used to look more goth when I was younger, for sure, that includes some clothing, but mostly makeup and haircuts. Now I pay less attention to my appearance, but that might be because I hardly ever leave my house anymore, lol. I had more of a reason to be aesthetically goth when I still went to parties and whatnot.

I definitely miss doing my trad goth makeup though, might try to get back into it just for fun. These days I've only been doing corpse paint.
No goth shalt ever admit to being a goth, even if they're uber-goth. ☝️🧐
Back in the day, when we had a crew, we'd joke about one guy who'd prince around, introducing himself to everyone as a goth (as if it weren't clear from his attire). We'd joke that we should gift him with a sign that said "I am goth", so he could wear it around town and save himself the trouble of telling people about it. We never did that, as it would have been a bit mean on our part, and he was an alright dude, but a joke was a joke.
As for me, I'm more of a dark punk, because I prefer post-punk and deathrock to punk and goth rock. I don't dress the part anymore, though, because I've become too old to rock'n'roll. 😔 (and I don't mean too old of age)
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So no, I didn't dress in black or wear chains. My parents were extremely religious and that would have just opened a can of worms with them lol.
One of my friends has religious parents, but she would dress goth. A toned down style, so no chains or spikes, and very few accessories (mostly jewelry) but still: all black, formal, or just old-time-y outfits. These days she dresses more casually, but still in that semi-formal\ old-time-y style. She's a painter, it's her style, and that's really cool, I think.
I've hid in shadows sense I was old enough to remember. Because of my low testosterone from most of my adult life, I had no real desire to seek or appeal to anyone. I dress in dark neutral colors now and I love the shadows more than ever. The darker the better.