Pulling this from my about on here...
My name is Phillip, I'm 34 years old I live in Portsmouth, Ohio, I have lived in Ohio since day one when I was born a lot has changed over the years.
A lot from growing up with very little of things that I would loved to have when I got older and such, but overall I'm very well, I have good health and I couldn't be happier.
My status of being or getting into a relationship is single.
I have nine piercings, from having twenty-six of them. I have my earlobes stretched to 38mm (1 1/2), I have had my lip pierced three times, my tongue, septum, nostrils, bridge and also my nipples.
Also something you should know about me, I was a part of the "VampireFreaks.com" site years ago and started on there back in 1999 and when they switched over to profiles 2.0 in 2004, I pretty much know everything about being on there.
Please ask me anything I will have a comment right to you with a link or something in under 5 seconds.
When I started out on my journey on there, I knew nothing about the site itself, how, or who created it.
When I did I found out and know more than I did in the past, which I am more happy to help anyone else who comes to me.
But being on here for so long you come to having some awesome friends and some crazy relationships, not saying it's bad or anything like that.
Also have to say welcome to VampireFreaks.com for anyone who is just starting out on here.