Physical media


In the age dominated by streaming platforms, do you still engage with music on physical media?

Do you buy CDs, cassette tapes, vinyls? If so, is it for the purpose of actually listening to them, or more as collectibles to sit on the shelf? Or perhaps you already have a collection, obtained many years ago, and don't add anything new to it? Maybe even none of the above, because you find streaming more convenient?

There's no wrong answers, so please share your experiences and views on physical media freely. 💿
I ripped all my CDs to mp3 years ago and still have the files. I also download mp3s, and now have over 44,000 (601GB).

As for other formats, we have a tonne of DVDs and blu-ray, and plan to start buying them again.
Totally fair. I used to have a lot of music on my PC, but with the history of having my hard drives die on me more frequently than would be reasonable, I kind of stopped bothering. :p

Personally I have a small collection of CDs, one vinyl, and a whole lot of cassette tapes - although vast majority of these tapes are my mother's. I still buy some every now and then, there's just something really nice about having a physical copy of an album that I enjoy. 🥰
Totally fair. I used to have a lot of music on my PC, but with the history of having my hard drives die on me more frequently than would be reasonable, I kind of stopped bothering. :p

Personally I have a small collection of CDs, one vinyl, and a whole lot of cassette tapes - although vast majority of these tapes are my mother's. I still buy some every now and then, there's just something really nice about having a physical copy of an album that I enjoy. 🥰
Oh yes. I also make meticulous amounts of backups across multiple drives.
I'm cutting back, as it can be expensive.

But anybody who knows me, is aware that I love to collect horror films. I was gonna start putting them into categories. Vampire ones. Ones about zombies or pathogens. And so on.
Still have my dad's old cassettes, and even added a few of my own, both new and used, and bootlegged. Used to have an old radio + cassette player, but it disappeared one day, I think one of my relatives trashed it, because it was kinda banged up (though it still worked like a charm!!). But at least I have one of those Sony Walkman-style players.
Also, still have my music CDs, but my current computer doesn't have a CD-rom, so they're just gathering dust. :(
Been thinking of buying one of those fancy-pants all-in-one gramophones that also have a cassette and mp3 player built into the body, but they're a bit expensive, plus, I'm not big on vinyl.
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