What's your comfort movie or tv show?

charming primrose

New member
What's that one show or movie that you put on and it immediately puts you in a good mood? For me, it'd have to be Broken Hearts Gallery. Whenever I need a pick-me-up, I pop that movie on and instantly start feeling better before the movie even starts.

If you have one, please feel free to let us know below.
I have a lot of these, honestly. Pretty much any older animated movie from Disney, up to 2002-2003 ish. Some from Dreamworks, The Road to El Dorado and Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas particularly. And Asterix & Obelix: Mission Cleopatra - that one is legendary where I'm from, possibly due to how good the jokes in our dub are, haha.

As for shows, I'm not entirely sure, as I don't watch them as much. Probably some cartoons that I remember from my childhood... and Steven Universe, I guess.

Probably not what one would expect from a grown ass man. :P
Hmmm, hard to say because I love so many movies and TV series. If we talk of tv series I would go with Charmed. This was my fav thing growing up so that's why. When it comes to movies, hmmm. Maybe Terminator 2 :D
Hmmm, hard to say because I love so many movies and TV series. If we talk of tv series I would go with Charmed. This was my fav thing growing up so that's why. When it comes to movies, hmmm. Maybe Terminator 2 :D
Charmed is awesome! My g/f got me into that one! Seen every episode. hehe