Witchcraft and magic thread!

Scene Vamp

Active member
Have you ever practiced magic or witchcraft or have you had any experiences with it?
I am interested in the subject and have seen some witches online, I do not practice myself.
Indeed. Now, I'm not particularly experienced or well-versed, but I do have several books and perform small rituals and other magic-adjacent things from time to time. Mostly stuff with candles, incense, herbs or stones. This is partially why I collect stones/crystals - for their properties. I suppose this can be considered magical in a way?
Indeed. Now, I'm not particularly experienced or well-versed, but I do have several books and perform small rituals and other magic-adjacent things from time to time. Mostly stuff with candles, incense, herbs or stones. This is partially why I collect stones/crystals - for their properties. I suppose this can be considered magical in a way?
I think that's really cool, yeah I would say this is magic. If you dont mind me asking what kind of rituals do you perform? just curious.
I have been looking into this stuff myself.
That depends. Usually cleansing my environment, or charging my stones with specific intentions. Otherwise it's all situational, so I suppose I'd do anything that was needed in that specific situation, if I knew how and had the resources needed. I'm sorry if it sounds too vague to be useful 🙏

...My partner probably thinks that my knowledge of herbs is magical, but to me it's just natural. I learned a lot from my grandma when I was a child, and on our walks she'd always point out the plants growing around, what they are and what they can do. 😊
That depends. Usually cleansing my environment, or charging my stones with specific intentions. Otherwise it's all situational, so I suppose I'd do anything that was needed in that specific situation, if I knew how and had the resources needed. I'm sorry if it sounds too vague to be useful 🙏

...My partner probably thinks that my knowledge of herbs is magical, but to me it's just natural. I learned a lot from my grandma when I was a child, and on our walks she'd always point out the plants growing around, what they are and what they can do. 😊
.My partner probably thinks that my knowledge of herbs is magical, but to me it's just natural. I learned a lot from my grandma when I was a child, and on our walks she'd always point out the plants growing around, what they are and what they can do

This is really deep, I can relate in some ways. My family use sage to cleanse the house, and I sometimes keep Wisteria to ward off bad energy.
what other plants do you know about? If you don't mind me asking I am kind of curious.
Oh, plenty of them. Chamomile, althaea, field horsetail, yarrow, helichrysum, ribwort plantain, common nettle, St John's wort, elderberry and tilia, to name a few. These and many others have various healing properties and are fairly common here, so not too difficult to find if needed. Although, these days you can also just buy them. :D
Cool is there anything you could recommend that has worked well for you? althaea looks quite nice in my opinion,.
where I am I have ribworts and common nettles, the other ones may not be native to where I am. I go exploring nature and stuff and have a fair knowledge of plants. sounds like you know your plants that is quite cool.
That's the great thing - they all work. Just for different things, though there is also some overlap. I rely on plants/herbs frequently, as my health isn't the best. That being said, of course in more severe circumstances they can't replace actual medical care, but they can help at least.
That's the great thing - they all work. Just for different things, though there is also some overlap. I rely on plants/herbs frequently, as my health isn't the best. That being said, of course in more severe circumstances they can't replace actual medical care, but they can help at least.
Thats cool, do you use herbal medicine and stuff? im sure it would help i mean thats where medicine comes from.
Yup! Most herbs can be brewed like tea, though some plants can also be made into syrup/juice. The "teas" are most commonly for drinking of course, but sometimes also for rinsing, or inhaling the steam. It's really neat.

Stuff like that is common knowledge around here, or at least it used to be - I feel like it's rapidly disappearing, even among people from my generation, and younger generations probably know even less about herbs and plants, unless some people are just genuinely interested in that. I won't say I'm surprised, but it is a bit unfortunate.
Yup! Most herbs can be brewed like tea, though some plants can also be made into syrup/juice. The "teas" are most commonly for drinking of course, but sometimes also for rinsing, or inhaling the steam. It's really neat.

Stuff like that is common knowledge around here, or at least it used to be - I feel like it's rapidly disappearing, even among people from my generation, and younger generations probably know even less about herbs and plants, unless some people are just genuinely interested in that. I won't say I'm surprised, but it is a bit unfortunate.
Speaking of teas, I have always wanted to brew nettle tea and give it a go. I have heard it is good for joint health and other things.
I suppose there is not much need for these things in a way as there is like a pill for most stuff, or things just ready made. I do see this kind of stuff about plants and herbal remedies on TikTok, some people are still into It.

sorry for late reply
Nettle tea is good, mostly anti-inflammatory and high in antioxidants. Some benefits for bones and blood too. And, as a bonus, plants like to be watered with a bit of nettle tea from time to time, it's good for them. :D
Be careful if you want to pick fresh nettles though, they sting as hell. Store bought is fine too if it's good quality.
I don't know about TikTok, I avoid it like plague, but I suppose it's nice that people are spreading knowledge about herbs.
Nettle tea is good, mostly anti-inflammatory and high in antioxidants. Some benefits for bones and blood too. And, as a bonus, plants like to be watered with a bit of nettle tea from time to time, it's good for them. :D
Be careful if you want to pick fresh nettles though, they sting as hell. Store bought is fine too if it's good quality.
I don't know about TikTok, I avoid it like plague, but I suppose it's nice that people are spreading knowledge about herbs.
I will give nettle tea a go i will pick them myself as there are some nearby, I will let you know how it goes tomorrow, i will use gloves to pick them.
I've never practiced it but I have interest for it. I read one book on Wicca (something like Wicca for dummies) and currently reading "Paganism An Introduction to Earth-Centered Religions".

I watched many videos from Green Witch youtube channel and I love it. Brilliant. I also visited some forums on Witchcraft to get some info.
Way back when, I was interested in all things paranormal and occult. Was even briefly a member of a "cult" on the old VF where people discussed magic and stuff. There was a document that circulated in the group called something like "100 free spells". I tried out a bunch of them, and some actually seemed to work, even though I was not doing things "properly" and didn't really believe that they would.
But in general, I've mostly stopped believing in the paranormal. I mean, I'm still keeping an open mind, but I don't actively seek stuff out, because there's a lot, and I do mean a lot of bull out there, and even more people that are all too happy to feed it to you.